The Open Infrastructure Orbit (also: the Marina) is a safe haven for all groups and individuals dealing with and building open infrastructure. During the year we are sailing in different waters. This year we meet for the rC3 together with about:freedom in our orbit (marina) to exchange our experiences over the last year, as well as our vision for the coming years.
The marina is located in the centre of Hall 2, the Assembly of the 36th Chaos Communication Congress.
You’ll find us in a 2D world.
We have a stage with presentations, boats with seats where you can meet the various participants in our marina and a workshop room. We also have a lounge and a spot for stickers. See the program in our Pretalx and come by!
Further information to the open Infrastructure Orbit and/or Marina can be found in our Wiki on wiki.freifunk.net/36c3.
The Jekyll built source code for this site is available on GitHub:
*Pull requests are always welcome!